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Re: FTP Security

-> On Fri Nov 3, 1995, John Stewart wrote:
-> > Netscape doesn't have this restriction. You can specify 
-> > 
-> > http://user@host/directory/file
-> > 
-> > and it will prompt you for a password in a different style dialogue
-> > box than the normal authentication box. I was appalled to learn that
-> > all other browsers don't understand this convention, and if fact _we_
-> > are going to have to implement something similar since we're changing
-> > the CIO ftp system for Cisco.
-> > 
-> > I just wish all browsers did the FTP protocol correctly. 
-> I hope you meant ftp: instead of http: in the above
-> examples.  RFC 1738 says:

Yeah, 'twas a typo on my part.
